Boulder Senior Session

High school senior girl standing proudly in the Flat Irons mountains of Boulder.

This beautiful young lady just celebrated her birthday so it only seems fitting that she gets a permanent spot on the blog! Kristy is a God send who trusted my abilities before I even stepped foot in Colorado and hired me for her daughter Kali’s Boulder senior session. And the biggest thanks goes to her bestie that referred me, the gorgeous Shayna.

I was in Fort Collins for a literal hot second so I scouted faster than I ever had before and we settled on a gorgeous mountain spot at a halfway point between us both – South Mesa in Boulder. To say going from an insanely gorgeous beach spot to an insanely gorgeous mountain spot makes me spoiled rotten is a huge understatement! And to start my Colorado journey with this beautiful girl in this spot was just what I needed to kick start everything. This session made me even more excited to get to shooting in Colorado and meeting some amazing seniors here!

I’m not sure I’ve laughed so hard during a senior session. Kali’s energy and sense of humor is contagious and she had her own brotherly cheering section to boot! I also always giggle at senior girls who tell me they aren’t sure what to wear or what to do because they show up looking runway ready and as soon as I give the smallest of prompts/posing they run with it like we’re in an Instagram live – haha! I absolutely love watching them go from being shy and reserved to fully seeing their personality and watching them shine!

I can’t wait to see what Kali goes on to do and accomplish after high school because I know she’s going to crush it!

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